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To alter the next version incrementation, use the Gradle property: -Psemver.modifier=<modifier>.


If no modifier is provided, a default of auto will be used.

The following are the possible values:

Modifier Description
major Increments the major version number
minor Increments the minor version number
patch Increments the patch version number
auto Increments the patch or the pre-release number if the previous tag was a stage-based pre-release



Since no stage is provided in these examples, the default stage of auto used.

Latest tag: v1.0.0-rc.1

Command Next Version
./gradlew -Psemver.modifier=major v2.0.0
./gradlew -Psemver.modifier=minor v1.1.0
./gradlew -Psemver.modifier=patch v1.0.1
./gradlew -Psemver.modifier=auto v1.0.0-rc.2

Latest tag: v1.0.0

Command Next Version
./gradlew -Psemver.modifier=major v2.0.0
./gradlew -Psemver.modifier=minor v1.1.0
./gradlew -Psemver.modifier=patch v1.0.1
./gradlew -Psemver.modifier=auto v1.0.1

Latest tags (sorted by latest first):

  • v1.0.1-my-feature.1
  • v1.0.0

The latest tag is v1.0.1-my-feature.1, however, this is a special pre-release type that does not affect the calculation of the next version given a modifier.

Command Next Version
./gradlew -Psemver.modifier=major v2.0.0
./gradlew -Psemver.modifier=minor v1.1.0
./gradlew -Psemver.modifier=patch v1.0.1
./gradlew -Psemver.modifier=auto v1.0.1